This post is over 6 months old. Some details, especially technical, may have changed.

Screencasts with a JVM flavour

Today sees the inaugural launch of a new project/passion of mine - There is a launch post about it on the site as well as the first in a series of screencasts around Play! 2 (more being edited as you read this no doubt). Initially I never set out to focus on the world of the JVM but after building a list of potential topics and doing some research there is just so much there and so little audio/visual coverage of it that I think it deserves some attention.

As it stands right now there is an [optional] price associated with the productions - you can stream everything to your hearts content or you can pay a minimal sum to get a high quality download of the screencast - you can do both if you want. It took a while to come to an acceptable price point and structure because I have an end goal here - I want to feed any money earned back into the project to get better equipment and thusly produce better quality screencasts. Futhermore I'd eventually like to turn this into a (mostly) full time gig and move to a subscription model with frequent (weekly) releases - but thats a long way away yet - for now I want to see if I can build something people want and enjoy.

But hopefully the site can speak for itself - I've already got an extensive list of releases coming up over the next while so stay tuned, follow us on twitter as @yobriefcasts and enjoy the site.

Published in Craftsmanship on January 21, 2013