This post is over 6 months old. Some details, especially technical, may have changed.

Strapping Young Lad v0.1.2 Released

I have just released version 0.1.2 of Strapping Young Lad. Now we are getting to something that works a bit better across different platforms (now I just have to prove it to you). This release sees the inclusion of multiple token replacement. For example if I create a .ladconfig in the source repo with an array of tokens

token: ['__NAME__', '__NAMESPACE__', '__AUTHOR__']

The user will be prompted to specify the values for these tokens before the engine goes off and does the replacement. The __NAME__ token is a bit special - you still need to specify the project name as part of the command line call so if SYL come across this token in the the list of configured tokens it will allow you to default that value without having to type it again, e.g.

lad [email protected]:strapping-young-lad/Loam.git laddy

  Cloning git repository                OK
  Loading configuration                 OK
  Parsing tokens and stuff
    name (laddy):
    namespace: test.lad
    author: kouphax
  Processing files                      OK
  Processing directories                OK
  Moving project files                  OK

  Done processing 137 file(s)
  Done processing 22 directories(s)

Notice I didn't need to specify the name of the project again and then I was prompted for the second and third token values. Simple stuff.

Next up

So there are a few outstanding efforts to go in now. Namely push some more templates into the SYL repo and spin up a site that lets you search said templates and document all the little features of SYL. They will come in time.

This is the life!

Published in Ruby on April 19, 2012