This post is over 6 months old. Some details, especially technical, may have changed.

Tinkering with Agility

Having spent a few days tinkering with agility.js I have come to the following conclusions

  1. It's a bit buggy in places (it is currently on v0.1 so this is to be expected)
  2. At first glance code written against agility.js looks like a total mess though it appears to be a weird optical illusion because once you grasp the agility.js approach the code makes total sense
  3. Agility would fit well into an existing codebase as much as into a new one. Certainly more so that some of the other frameworks. And finally,
  4. I like it

You could almost class agility.js as a micro MVC framework (and we all know how I like them). I say that because it takes an incredibly simple approach to MVC as well as offering a very small but (IMHO) complete feature set. Unlike knockout, which also makes use of the data- attributes for model binding (and more), agility.js uses the data-bind attribute for model binding and thats it.

With Agility you have that ability to compose UI's from discrete little self-contained, and/or nested agility objects that behave as standalone MVC implementations. This is kind of different to the standard appraoch of other MVC-like JS frameworks which generally go for the create a single large MVC architecture and manage components within that architecture. I am not saying this appraoch is forbidden or impossible in the other frameworks - it's just not how a noob would go about things. At least I never did when I first started looking at them.

To play with agility I went ahead and created "yet another Todo app" (source) complete with server side persistence and some responsive UI elements (Complete button will vanish when a Todo is completed - wow). I'll not break the entire thing down here but here are some choice cuts (in CoffeeScript cause I am THAT cool)

todo = $$
  model: {},
    format: '''
        <span data-bind="description"/>
        <button class="complete-task">Complete</button>
        <button class="delete-task">Delete</button>
    'create': ->
      @view.$().toggleClass "task-done", @model.get("complete")
    'change:complete': ->
      @view.$().addClass "task-done"
    'click .complete-task': ->
      @model.set "complete": true
      @persist $$.adapter.restful, collection:'todos'
    'click .delete-task': ->
      @persist $$.adapter.restful, collection:'todos'

The code above shows the creation of a Todo entity i.e. a single entry in the list. $$ is the Agility factory method and will create an MVC based entity out of the object passed in. I have decalred a view, a model (albeit empty) and a controller with an assortment of tasks for the entity.

This will give you two-way model binding, event wiring up and even custom events totally for free plus a very simple way to react to events. The controller is essentially the event handler so things like click .delete-task will bind the handler to the click event of the element with the delete-task class (the typical full range of selectors are available thanks to jQuery, Zepto integration forthcoming too). Events like create and change:complete are custom events given to us by agility and allow us to listen to key points in the lifecycle of the object. In fact change:complete is a demonstration of something truly awesome (IMHO as usual). The change event will fire when model properties are changed - the change:<property_name> will only fire when the complete property changes. Noice!

My Todo list object then creates instances of the todo object above after pulling the info from the server. It uses agility's inheritance strategy to to create them from the todo prototype I pass in

todos = $$
  model: {},
    format: '''
        <input type="text" id="newItem" />
        <button class="add-task">Add</button>
    'click .add-task': ->
      item = @view.$('#newItem').val()
      if item isnt ""
        newTodo = $$ todo, description: item
        newTodo.persist $$.adapter.restful, collection:'todos'
        @gather todo, 'append', 'ol'

Next I append the todos object to the document (which renders it and wires things up)

$$.document.append todos

Persistance is provided as a plugin of sorts with ability to provide your own adapters. You get a RESTful ajax adapter with Agility. I use this to provide persistence methods on my objects and let agility set that up.

todo.persist $$.adapter.restful, collection:'todos'

There does seem to be a bug with the factory method and persitance enabled object forcing me to call persist prior to any sort of persitence operation but hopefully we will see that resolved soon.

Finally I fetch from the server and wipe the awesome sauce from my lips and beard.

todos.gather todo, 'append', 'ol'

I've went on more than I wanted to but hey it's worth it. Hopefully this has helped clarify agility to a few people or at least got people intrigued. Feel free to pull down the source and have a go yourself otherwise pop on over to the Agility.js site and read the excellent docs.

Published in JavaScript on August 31, 2011