
Metrics meets Webbit

View the Project on GitHub kouphax/webbit-metrics


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A Metrics backed Webbit Server for great good. webbit-metrics acts as a companion server that can be run alongside other simple services. This is heavily inspired by the approach that Twitter take with Finagle and Ostrich

Getting It








"webbit-metrics" at "https://raw.github.com/kouphax/webbit-metrics/mvn/"


"org.webbitserver" % "webbit-metrics" % "0.2-SNAPSHOT"


Lets assume we have a Webbit web server already.

import org.webbitserver.*;
import org.webbitserver.netty.NettyWebServer;

public class MyLovelyGreeterService {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        final NettyWebServer server = new NettyWebServer(9996);

        server.add("/", new HttpHandler(){
            public void handleHttpRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, HttpControl control) throws Exception {
                response.content("Hello World").end();

        System.out.println("Server listening on port " + 9996);

If we want to monitor or instrument this service we can create an instance of an AdminWebServer that can run alongside it and collect metrics that our service generates.

final AdminWebServer admin = new AdminWebServer(9997);

By adding these lines we end up with another server running on port 9997 that gives us,

This service also exposes its own HealthCheckRegistry & MetricRegistry that can be used by your service to monitor the health of and collect valuable application & business metrics for your service.


When an AdminWebServer is created it will create its own instance of a MetricRegistry that can be accessed via admin.metrics. So lets add some metrics to our service.

server.add("/", new HttpHandler(){
    public void handleHttpRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, HttpControl control) throws Exception {
        response.content("Hello World").end();

So we added admin.metrics.counter("hit-count").inc(); which will increment the counter everytime someone hits that endpoint. If we run the servers and go to http://localhost:9996 then http://localhost:9997/metrics we should see a JSON response like this,

    version: "3.0.0",
    gauges: { },
    counters: {
        hit-count: {
            count: 1
    histograms: { },
    meters: { },
    timers: { }

This is just a raw response from Metrics, no need for any special sugar or transformation. The AdminWebServer registry is a vanilla Metrics MetricRegistry and so supports all of Metrics metrics like Gauges, Counters, Histograms, Meters and Timers.


If your service relies on a database connection or some external service to function then HealthChecks help monitor that these things are actually reachable and working as expected. You can add a healthcheck to the registry easily,

admin.healthchecks.register("randomly-unhealthy", new HealthCheck() {
    protected Result check() throws Exception {
        final Boolean unhealthy = Math.random() < 0.5;

            return Result.unhealthy("I've decided to have a sick day");

        return Result.healthy();

This example is horribly contrived but it serves its purpose. Hitting http://localhost:9997/healthchecks will run all registered healthchecks and return a JSON response,

  randomly-unhealthy: {
    healthy: false,
    message: "I've decided to have a sick day"

It will return an approximate HTTP Status code as well (200 - OK if everything is healthy, 500 - Internal Server Error if these is something up and 501 - Not Implemented if there are no registered healthchecks.


Hitting http://localhost:9997/ping will simply return a 200 - OK response with plain text body containing pong. This is useful in situations where you want to know if a machine or service is actually still around and reachable

Thread Dump & JVM Metrics

http://localhost:9997/jvm & http://localhost:9997/dump will give you some JVM metrics and Thread Dumps respectivley.


Tasks are arbitrary bits of code that can be run at any time from your AdminWebServer instance. You can register as Task against the TaskRegistry instance created along with your AdminWebServer instance.

admin.tasks.register("seed-database", new Task() {
    public void execute() throws Exception {
        // seed the database with some data

Browsing to /tasks will list available tasks and passing a name parameter in the querystring of a task will run that task e.g. /tasks?name=seed-database.

Any exceptions thrown in the course of running a task will be piped out to the browser.


InstrumentedMiddleware is a Webbit handler that provides some basic metrics for requests. Placing it at the head of your middleware stack for all requests in a Webbit will monitor the entire request chain

server.add(new InstrumentationMiddleware("my-lovely-greeter-service", admin.metrics));
server.add("/", new HttpHandler(){
    public void handleHttpRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, HttpControl control) throws Exception {
        response.content("Hello World").end();

You can optionally pass in a handlerName string as a first parameter and this will be appended to the instrumented metrics (useful if you have multiple handlers going to the same metrics registry).

The following metrics are provided by InstrumentedMiddleware

These will be available under /metrics.